Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How to Entertain Your Children

                             How to entertain your Children

                  As a parent there are so many things that stress me out at make me angry but over the years I have found plenty of ways of entertaining your children so you can have you time while they are completely distracted and fooled. This is my first blog so hopefully as I go I will be able to improve as we progress together.

  • Set up television.

As a parent technology has never really been in my naturals but this sure dang keeps them busy. I keep my toddlers watching about 2-3 hours of TV a day and they sure as hell love it. I also like to bring a table in front of them (an immovable one that i can quickly duct tape to the floor) and put fruit out in front of them so they are getting everything that they need. The picture to the right is my toddler watching television and in his little chair. He can barley even tell what is going on otherwise.

  • Water

Image result for baby and water
Babies are designed as a child to decide what is most important and what is substantial on what they need to live. Since the brain is wired to eating and drinking water is an important thing for the baby to keep in mind. If you get a eating chair for a baby fill it with sink water (preferably not tap but from a plastic bottle) dump the water inside so it cant overflow but it can sit at the bottom of the food holder. Next get some toys and your child is out of the way for some extra sleep!

  • Ice
Image result for ice cubesThis seems very simple but it is actually very underused. As stated before babies are magnets to water and ice is the second best thing. Ice is very slippery so it will keep the child at play but also has a very interesting feel to it. Since a baby is not fully developed yet their hands don't have all the bones con-jointed yet and it will feel very fascinating. But make sure the ice cube is big so it doesn't choke on it!

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